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EMERGENT LIFE SCIENCES RESEARCH - Vol 8, Issue 2, Published on 31, December 2022

Pages: 229-239
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Variability, character association and path analysis for Annona yield and quality attributes

Author: Jagruti S. Mahla, Nishit V. Soni, Pranay C. Patel, Ashita V. Patel, Jay P. Dasalania, Sarojini Roul

Category: Research Article


The knowledge of genetic variability among the genotypes for yield and quality attributes is the utmost requirement for any crop improvement work. The eighteen Annona genotypes of two species were studied for five leaves and fruit morphological attributes and twenty-nine components related to growth, yield and fruit quality. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design in two replicates. A vast variability among the genotypes was revealed as seen based on the significant difference from ANOVA for all the quantitative traits. For morphological traits, genotypes showed variations for leaf shape, base and apex also for fruit shape and segmentation. The high magnitude of heritability and genetic advance as per cent mean was noted for most of the traits indicated presence of fixable genes and least influence of environment for inheritance. The results of the association analysis presented significant and positive association of fruit yield with growth and fruit morphology and fruit quality attributes at both genotypic and phenotypic levels. A strong influence of fruit traits and fruit quality related traits on yield observed owing to their positive and significant direct effects. The pulp/seed ratio, fruit weight, fruit per plant, total soluble solids, sugar content could be emphasize to discriminate the various Annona genotypes so as to utilize them for future hybridization programme to generate desirable genotypes for yield and quality.

Keywords: Annona, character association, fruit quality, genetic variability, path analysis