EMERGENT LIFE SCIENCES RESEARCH - Vol 4, Issue 1, Published on 30, June 2018
Pages: 66-71
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Efficacy of Acaricides and botanicals against Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Acari:Acaridae)
Author: Komal Duhan, Rachna Gulati, Arvind Malik, Manoj
Category: Review Article
Haryana is the leading state in seasonal mushroom production contributing approximately 4000 tonnes per year. Reports are available on the occurrence of mites including Tyrophagus putrescentiae in oyster mushrooms. Mites have been found to damage mushrooms right from spawning to the harvest of the crop. Mite damage on the fruiting bodies often shows up as the small cavities in the stem and cap similar in appearance to bacterial pit disease. Mycelium-eating mites can cause high yield losses. Although pesticides (permetrin, perefosmetil, anometrin, forbecide and dichlorvos) are applied, but due to growing ecological and health concerns, bio-control methods are being developed against pests. There is a need to exploit the use of plant products which have acaricidal properties and are safe for mushroom mycelium. Plant-derived alkalis, alcohols, aldehydes, terpenoids and some monoterpenoids show fumigant properties and thus, the use of plant based pesticides is preferred against pests and diseases in mushroom production.
Keywords: fruiting bodies, mycelium, monoterpenoids, spawning
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.31783/elsr.2018.416671